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Why Should You See a Gynecologist?

A woman’s reproductive life span ranges from birth until menopause, with the average age falling somewhere around the mid-40s. Women must schedule regularly scheduled appointments with their gynecologist to ensure that they stay up-to-date on all necessary check-ups. While going to a gynecologist can feel embarrassing, it is essential for all women’s health. The sooner that women become familiar with seeing womens healthcare physicians OBGYN, the better off they will be in terms of their overall health.

Women need a team of professionals to keep them healthy from puberty until menopause, but that is not all. There are many other reasons why you should visit a gynecologist. This article covers some of them.


Birth Control


Birth control is one of the biggest reasons women visit a gynecologist. The pill, NuvaRing, and other forms of birth control can be confusing for young women who have just become sexually active. Every woman needs to have a check-up before they begin using any form of hormonal contraceptives. Many times, women are advised to use a backup method in case they are experiencing any adverse side effects. Additionally, women need to know that there are multiple contraceptive methods, so it is important not to feel pressured into starting the first birth control method you hear about.


  • Reproductive Health Issues


A check-up with a gynecologist is necessary for detecting any reproductive health problem as early as possible. Many women first discover that they have endometrial cancer during their annual pelvic exam. Similarly, women can be diagnosed with ovarian cysts and fibroids if the growths are caught on an ultrasound or by feeling them during the exam. You can detect even abnormal bleeding early on if a woman sees her gynecologist regularly.


  • Hormonal Imbalance


Hormonal imbalances can cause serious health problems that are best treated when the problem is caught early. A simple check-up can track your hormone levels and let you know if something is wrong with them. Additionally, it’s essential to know which medications might interfere with your average hormonal balance so that you don’t neglect irregular periods or other symptoms that mean your body is going through a significant change.


  • Regular Check-upsCheck-ups


A basic pelvic exam is necessary for women to have regularly scheduled check-ups. This can be anything from every year to every few years, depending on the woman’s age and other risk factors. Additionally, women should schedule regular pap smears at their appointments to catch abnormal cells early enough to prevent cervical cancer.

Your general physical health also plays a significant role in the need for regular check-ups. Sexually active women should be aware of how their body changes during their life span. For example, women often gain weight as they age, which can cause fertility problems or other hormonal issues that can interfere with overall health.

In summary, a gynecologist plays a significant role in your overall health and wellbeing as a woman. It would help if you made regular visits to a gynecologist for different reasons. Common reasons to see a gynecologist include routine check-ups, hormonal imbalance, reproductive health issues, and birth control.

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